Possibly the best brief I ever received, the request was to “Show a person’s projected wealth based on a series of input / outputs”
The brief additionally requested that the “input / outputs should be adjustable and a method of capturing and comparing data provided”. The potential client was looking for a design partner who:
- could work collaboratively: the work was for an product that projected a customers wealth and there was a high level of expertise handover required
- was able to think differently: the customer really wanted to shake up the market where historically these kind of calculations were specialised and done in excel spreadsheets
For the pitch we provided a working prototype that allowed the customer to complete a short survey and build a forecast. The forecast could be refined, for example adding planned financial outlays which could then be compared and contrasted by creating a snapshot.
This work was carried out at the infancy of CSS3 three-dimensional transformations to see where this new technology could be taken. The work was rendered and I produced a library of CSS transformations and JavaScript.
The client loved the work, as did I.